SDS & California SB-258 Cleaning Product Right to Know Act
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Click here for product SDS & California SB-258 Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 Information
SKU: C91
AVAILABILITY: In stock (1 item)
PRODUCT TYPE: Oil Treatment
Concentrated Helps stop exhaust smoking Quiets valves & lifters, and reduces friction and wear
SKU: C682
PRODUCT TYPE: Maintenance Aerosol
Protects metal parts from extreme heat, pressure, rust and corrosion Prevents galling, seizing and pitting Reduces wear and friction Ensures accurate torque and easy disassembly
SKU: C36
Stops brake disc squeal Fast drying Applies smoothly and evenly High Temperature Formula
SKU: C34
Long lasting and stays pliable Reduces wear and stops squeaks Repels moisture to protect against rust and corrosion NSF H1 certification
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